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Top 6 Engineering Quotes from World Influencers

Top 6 Engineering Quotes from World Influencers

What resources do we need to improve the state of the world? This may seem like an ambitious question to try and answer with a single blog post… and it is.

However, there are many others that have asked this question, and some of the most influential world leaders spend the majority of their days with this question in mind.

I recently read the Infinite Resource by Ramez Naam (do yourself a favour and take a look at his work) who went in to detail about the different strategies for solving these world problems. His strategy focused on enabling innovation as the primary tool to solve the environmental, sustainability and resource issues we face in the world.

One of the main things that he included in his strategy is that need for innovators and problem solvers. You may have also noticed that many of the smartest and most influential leaders of the world are trying to encourage more students to study science and engineering.

The economy looks as though it is starved for these professionals.

So I did some searching and found that many influencers were speaking out loudly about the need for more engineers. From top business leaders, to politicians and even from philanthropists. So I collected the top engineering quotes from these influencers and made the infographic below…

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Engineering Quotes

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  • Matt Kohn

    Nice graphic George! Thanks for sharing this.

    • George Gray

      Cheers mate! Glad you liked it.

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